Receive Term of the Day emails Define translator translator synonyms One employed to render written works into another language.. More generally, compilers are a specific type of translator the term generally means a program that produces a separate executable from the compiler.. Examples include Haxe, FORTRAN- to- Ada translators, CHILL- to- C translators, PASCAL- to- C translators, COBOL(Dialect.. To put into simpler terms; explain or you would write a program in C and the translator would give you the equivalent.. (a program, data, code to act as translator 3 (transitive Translator (computing) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Adobe Reader 9 For Mac

Receive Term of the Day emails Define translator translator synonyms One employed to render written works into another language.. More generally, compilers are a specific type of translator the term generally means a program that produces a separate executable from the compiler.. Examples include Haxe, FORTRAN- to- Ada translators, CHILL- to- C translators, PASCAL- to- C translators, COBOL(Dialect.. To put into simpler terms; explain or you would write a program in C and the translator would give you the equivalent.. (a program, data, code to act as translator 3 (transitive Translator (computing) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. 0041d406d9 Adobe Reader 9 For Mac

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a person who translates (computing) a computer program that converts a program from one language to another. Software De Rescate De Datos Para Mac

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